Bhagvana Tailess Midrange Morchang

Bhagvana Tailess Midrange Morchang


Hand forged in iron by Bhagvana of Rajasthan. These Tailess Morchang are a hybrid of sorts and a blending of harp styles. The feel and sound lies somewhere in between a Rajasthani Morchang, and a vargan or doromb.

The sound is slightly lower in pitch than a traditional Indian Morchang, while being melodic with a bit of breath and limited saturation. The reed consistency ranges from medium stiffness, to stiff in the morchang style. The triggers are are long and tall and vary from looped to spiral in design. The triggers tolerate plucks in both directions and handle slow as well as fast play with ease. Responsive to open/close glottis play. A wonderful blending of harp styles at a good value.

For beginners looking to learn open/close glottis techniques to advanced Morchang players alike. The Midrange Tailess Morchang will range in pitch from D2 to G2# and specific notes may be available upon request.

Due to the hand forging, these instruments may vary slightly in appearance and sound. These morchang are closely tuned by the maker. For an instrument tuned up to the closest note, choose “Permanent Tuning Service” in the Shop and our in house harpsmith will tune to the closest note, and engrave the tuning on the back!

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