Narzhigitov Bass Komuz

Narzhigitov Bass Komuz
The Bass Komuz by Master Narzhigitov of Kyrgyzstan is a beautifully hand-crafted instrument. It has a deep and buttery resonation that feels as nice as it sounds!
This Bass Harp has a deep sound and very long sustain. It is best suited for advanced players that seek low frequencies for meditational and slow rhythmic play styles. Opening and closing the glottis, and introducing soft breath will transform this Temir into an otherworldly instrument! Narzhigitov Timer is best suited for outward plucking but can be played in either direction, fast or slow (with caution!!!).
Please choose from the KEY SELECTION below. All Narzhigitov Komuz are maker-tuned to 440hz scale and include a wooden case for harping on the go! Case shape and instrument sound will vary slightly from piece to piece, making every Komuz their own piece of functional art!
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